Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Who loves Disneyland? We do! We do!

My favorite picture of the day! (above) Isn't that the most precious thing ever? Back in January, our family put on 2 showings of a Variety Show Extraordinaire for some old folks, and earned ourselves free tickets to the Happiest Place On Earth. It took us a while to pull things together, but we were finally able to go this past Saturday. SO FUN! Due to the fact that I am expecting (yes, this is an announcement...) I couldn't ride some of my favorites. However, this was ok, since Brady couldn't ride them either. So, there were a couple that he and I sat out on, while the rest of the family rode on. (my favorite: Space Mountain...not a pregnancy friendly ride) I also sat out on Indiana Jones. Wa Wa. Brady had a fantastic time- expecially on the Carousel. He would shake his head when it started slowing down! He was such a trooper, and I am soooo glad we were able to take him with us.
I LOVE the look of total amazement that he gets sometimes.
L to R: Jacob (married to Kayla), Kayla, Bryan, Kristalyn, Morgan, Papa, Grandma, Richard, me. With Brady out front, of course.
He rode it 5 times, I think. Loved EVERY minute of it.

He didn't actually ride on the wing, please understand. That was just the ONLY place he would sit and be happy for a picture. For spending the entire day there, and not leaving until 11 p.m., he was remarkably well behaved. He took a quick little nap in the stroller in the afternoon, and then completely conked out at around 9:45 p.m.
P.S. Sorry for the late pregnancy announcement. I haven't been to the Dr. yet, due to our move, quitting my job, etc. I have an appointment next week, where I assume I'll get an official due date, and hope to find out the sex. We are estimating Feb. 12. Yay!


DaNelle said...

Yay Disneyland! YAY you're pregnant! So excited for you guys, I hope it's a girl!

barbafamily said...

What a fun trip! You look SO great! And, I'm SOOO excited that you're expecting! YAY and congrats!!!

Em said...

Congrats!!!! We miss you and wish you were still teaching Marinne!

Em said...

That will be really cool if you use "Marinne" for a girl!

Kristalyn said...

Woohoo I love it too!!! :)

C said...

Awesome to hear from you Amber!
Your kid is the cutest!
Looks like you're having fun and I love your new house. Er, basement :)

I'll keep checkin' now that I know your blog exists.