Exhibit A: S'mores Brownies
Sounds awesome, right? Well, when you have to substitute 1/2 of the ingredients, you know you're in trouble. Add that to baking with a gas oven that you aren'e familiar with, and voila! You have this hideous thing. It didn't even occur to me that the broiler in a gas oven would be open flames! And while they still tasted OK, I think all who ate them agree that just plain ol' brownies take the cake any day.
Exhibit B: Brown Sugar Muffins
These are so yummy! I've made them countless times since we got the recipe for our wedding. They are quick, easy, and awesome! However, for some reason, I haven't figured out baking in Idaho yet (hadn't... I've already shown significant improvement) and these monsters came out of the oven looking like Jabba the Hut. Richard and Brady sure didn't mind, but grrrr!
Get me out of the kitchen, and in front of a sewing machine, and things started to improve. I was down in Utah at my sister's house, and she was making some similar pumpkins. I seriously COULD NOT WAIT until I could make some of my own! Yay, a project! Yay, cute fall decorations!
The whole patch of them, nestled snugly on our heater. I love them.
Hey! Cute pumpkins! You should send the pics in to the U Create blog, because that is the project of the month. Maybe you already know this and that's why you made them. Just thought I'd let you know! Here is the link: http://www.u-createcrafts.com/2010/09/create-with-me-september-project.html
Very cute pumpkins!
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