Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Back in the saddle again. (I mean, for the first time...) Check out his little monkey feet gripping as hard as they can! Priceless! This was just before the horse shook her head (as horses often do), and then he wanted OFF!!!
Someone's happy! This is his birthday giraffe that I got (for free, ahem) at a garage sale. Super squishy- just his style.
Conjunctivitis. Say that 5 times fast.
The rest are some adorable pictures from his birthday. Mostly for Grandma's sake, but they are here for all to enjoy. I know, he's adorable, and Marilla (my awesome sister) is amazing with the camera.


Morgan said...

What a charmer! I love the last picture. It's hilarious! It's a good thing that tantrum throwing kids are so cute ;-)

Ryan Belnap said...

Loved looking at the pictures! Would like to see some of your wedding pics, the one you have up is really small. Your little boy is a cutie!! I am so happy for you Amber and glad to hear that you are loving life and your little family!!

- Juliet