Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A first...

This morning, Richard took Brady for me after I fed him (as he often does) so I could get just a few more minutes of precious sleep. After indeed just a few more minutes, he comes back and says, "Honey, will you hold Brady for just a minute?" I took the baby, and then on his way out of the bedroom, Richard said, "Now I'll go kill the scorpion..." Excuse me? The WHAT?!?! For the first time in my entire life, we saw a scorpion in our house. Now of course I feel like I have to shake everything out when I pick it up, and move very carefully. (as if that will do any good) On kind of a funny note, Richard apologized before he left for even telling me about the scorpion, since he knows I'll be freaked for at least a couple of days. He even asked me how I wanted it disposed of: flushed? in the trash? No- straight outside to the garbage that got picked up today. Ewww!


DaNelle said...

AHHH!!! I am so sorry! That is the worst! But a lot of people have just one and then don't see another for a while. Get a black light flashlight and go around your house and night, they glow in the dark you can't miss them. GOOD LUCK!

Kristen said...

Yikes!!! I hate those little guys. I would be completly freaked out - but moths scare come on - I'm scared of anything. Yes, lets get together really soon! Tomorrow?