Thursday, February 10, 2011

Suggestions welcome...

So... my baby was due yesterday. Do I have a new little one in my arms? NO! What is going on here? With my first, (as probably most of you know) I had a scheduled c-section a week early. We are going the v-bac route this time. Inducing is out, unless I go 1 week and 6 days after my due date. I guess that's to make me feel better- but what I really heard them say was 2 WEEKS! 2 weeks seems like a really long time from now. They are already telling me the little squirt is in the 8-9 pound range. If I do go for another 12 days from now, how big does that make him? Yikes! Anyway, this will likely be the last you hear from me until my body is baby free, and my arms are baby full. Trying to stay positive here. Let's see... as long as he's still inside he is still free from any yucky germs that are flying around. What a happy thought!


BarbaraJo said...

Have you tried the Castor Oil? Everyone swears by it. Just stay close to the toilet.

Linda said...

Amber, I really do want to maintain status as your favorite mother-in-law, so I approach this with caution... my recommendation is tincture of time. Do remember that they give you an "estimated due date" which really means "give or take 2 weeks." (or maybe a week and 6 days...)

We are praying for you!!! Love you and hope it goes well!

Valora Hintze said...

You could do it Shirell style and find a trampoline to jump on or a lawn to mow! Hang in there! Love ya!

Heather Weir said...
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Dan and Louise said...

Well, it's a few days since your last post. I hope your arms are "baby full" but if not, I agree with your mother-in-law. Hang in there and good luck!