OK, I know that I am quite possibly the worst blogger ever in the history of blogging. I am also one of the worst picture takers, too, just for the record. So, between me not taking any pictures and NEVER updating this darn blog, I can't believe anyone would still even be checking up. But, for those who thought maybe there was a chance that I put a little update on here, this is for you. First of all, we've moved. We are attempting to get our house rented out, and we moved into my parent's home. Yes, we are even staying in the bedroom I grew up in. It just seemed like a great opportunity to save some money for while. (Richard and I both still have incomes, thank Heaven...) Elder and Sister Allen return from their mission in early September, so we'll cohabitate for a while. We can do this...
Let's see... April: General Conference was amazing, as usual. Easter was fairly uneventful, except for the moving in the rain, of course. I got to spend a weekend in San Diego with a bunch of high school students (joy, Joy JOY!) The next weekend I got to spend in Tucson with yet a different bunch of high school students. Poor Richard, stuck at home with nothing but hot dogs to eat. (hot dogs were his choice, by the way)
May (so far): Garage Sale- we didn't sell nearly enough junk, but the garage is a bit more cleared out. Bye bye ugly blue couches. (finally)
That's our biggest news so far. The baby's still growing and moving more every day. He has finally started cooperating more so that Richard can actually feel him move, too. We are excited to meet this little guy!